Address: 124-136 Royal Avenue
Postcode: BT1 1DN
Planning reference: LA04/2018/1991/F
Planning status: Permission Granted
Date submitted: Jul 30, 2018 (6 years, 8 months ago)
Applicant: BelTel LLP
Proposal: Demolition of existing non listed buildings and redevelopment of site to accommodate office led mixed use development comprising Class B1 (a) office, ancillary Class B2 industrial floorspace, active ground floor uses retail (A1), restaurants, cafes and bars (sui generis); basement parking and associated access and circulation . Proposals include the retention and restoration of the listed Seaver building comprising façade restoration, new roof and reintroduction of dormers, replacement windows and reinstatement of original entrance to southern façade [amended scheme].
Image: McAleer & Rushe