City Quays 3 is a 16-story office building located in Belfast's City Quays area. It is one of Northern Ireland's largest Grade A office developments, measuring 250,000 square feet. Construction began in 2019 and completed in 2022.
Address: Clarendon Road, City Quays
Postcode: BT1 3BG
Height: 74.50 metres
Planning reference: LA04/2017/1090/RM
Planning status: Permission Granted
Construction status: Completed
Date submitted: May 15, 2017 (7 years, 10 months ago)
Applicant: Belfast Harbour
Proposal: City Quays 3 - erection of 16 storey office accommodation (74 metres maximum height) comprising 23,976 sq metres of gross floorspace, associated access, public realm and other ancillary development.